
Hello there!

Welcome to The Dream Archive. I write all kinds of things and catalog them here. I hope you enjoy.


Falling through space,

Can't recognize my face,

Who is this man wearing all my clothes?

He has my eyes, my hair, my nose, 

The job he has, his friends, his smile, 

Couldn't that be me, for just a while?

The work I've done that led me here,

Was coated in a layer of fear, 

Do I deserve what I've achieved? 

The praise or love that I've received? 

One day the mask I wear will break, 

And all will know me as a snake, 

Who slithered in and gained a place, 

Undeserved, quietly effaced,

Happiness is not for me, 

I've not done enough to earn this glee, 

Grind off my nose against the stone, 

And not remove it till I've shown, 

That I have bled, and toiled, and wept, 

I have not eaten, I have not slept, 

But I have earned that which I hold, 

Then I can stand, both proud and bold, 

One day I'll prove my own self worth, 

Self confidence that I've unearthed, 

I still feel alive.

I just have to show it,

That's when I'll know it. 


Sea Shanty: The Sunken Damnation

Codex 14:2 Ythmar's Mistake